Category Archives: shopping

Internet shopping for dummies!

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I’m a tried and true internet shopper. I live in a small town in Montana where my shopping options are limited. Our mall consists of a Wet Seal, Buckle, Vanity, Rue 21, Zumiez, JCPenney, and Herbergers. I Forever21! (You can shed a tear for me if you want) I work with in the beauty industry with a lot of fashionable ladies, so it’s often we wind up in the same threads on a weekly basis. I myself, will not stand for this and choose to resort to the internet. I’m totally “ballin’ on a budget” and because I’m in hair color all day long, I would hate to spend too much on something that I’m going to drop bleach on. Therefore all of my favorite shopping sites I’m going to share with you will be totally affordable. Many of them you probably already know about, but unfortunately us Great Fallsians don’t have access to.

My top 10 favorite online shopping sites for apparel (listed in no particular order):


I realize that a lot of us are worried about the “not trying it on” factor. However, many sites include a sizing review where people can comment if the item runs big or small. If you’re still unsure, try to remember what shapes and styles you’re drawn to when you’re in the store shopping. Remember what has worked best for you in the past. Personally, I don’t order swimsuits, rompers, and intimates online because I know that I have to try on several of these when I’m shopping for “the one”. Pants can also prove to be difficult. On a positive note, a lot of sites send you prepaid postage if you do need to return something. Another common concern I’ve heard about internet shopping is the shipping. Luckily, many stores offer free shipping with some sort of minimum purchase, and if not, there’s always promo codes. What are promo codes? Only the greatest thing ever when you’re internet shopping! I owe my undying gratitude to my fiance for showing me this one. Never, EVER, checkout online before looking for these offer codes. You simply google promo codes for whatever site you’re shopping from. So00 many sites offer them. A couple examples would be and As long as the store you’re shopping from is well known, you’ll usually find some sort of success. Free shipping is a common one. However, I’ve saved up to $150 from Victoria’s Secret with these little gems. On average I probably save around 15% every time checking for these. There’s nothing more rewarding for us shopping addicts than a good deal! Be careful though, because if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. I found these adorable Jeffrey Campbell booties on, and I was hoping to save a little money (because I couldn’t live without the purple tights to wear with them). I googled “cheap Jeffrey Campbell boots,” and to my surprise there was a! It looked super shady, and my gut told me they would be knock-offs, but after googling “cheap jeffrey campbell scam” with no results, I proceeded to order them anyway. Unfortunately, I never received these boots. They took the money, and thank god didn’t steal the card information. So bottom line, don’t be greedy with savings..50% off is too good of a deal on a brand new item!

RIP Jeffrey Campbell booties..I'm sorry we never got to meet..all I wanted was a good deal, and all I got was an internet scam.

If you are looking for a deal that good or better, check out Everyday they post a new item for practically nothing, but you gotta hurry because it’s only up for that day. They had a Keurig for $50 last week..way cool. In retrospect, online shopping saves you money because you don’t waste gas driving to the mall.(This is huge for me, my gas guzzler costs 25 cents to drive a mile!) It saves your poor feet from walking all over the place, since you’re wearing heels now to make those legs look longer. It saves you time, because if you use your phone for everything like I do, you can shop right from your phone at work! (of course, only when you’re on break that is 😉 ) But best of all, you can shop in your jammies. This is only allowed when cyber shopping, because you better never be caught dead in public in your pj’s..not even at Wal-Mart. With that being said, go enjoy all the new stores and deals you can find’s almost as if you’ve moved to a big city now. Happy shopping!

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Filed under fashion, shopping, style

to my beautiful ladies!

Welcome my beautiful ladies and perhaps gentleman to my very first post! If you’re reading this, thank you for clicking on the link to my facebook page to show your support. For the last few years my fiance has told me every single night, “You need a hobby.” A hobby? As if i have time for a “hobby”..I’d always say to him, but the truth is, I have about 2 hours everynight after the mom duties have been competed that I usually spend bitching at him or watching reality tv. So I’ve decided that I would love to share my first love with the world, and that is the always evolving world of beauty and fashion. I’m a hairstylist and have always loved anything to do with fashion really. I’ve always said that I would have loved to be a fashion designer if it wasn’t like being a rockstar, and trust me..there’s no rockstars that come out of Great Falls, MT. I’ve always been the go to gal whenever my ladies and I spend a night on the town. They always show up at my house with their hair wet and make up free in hopes I’ll work my magic. The girls at work always ask me for makeup advice, and always tell me that I should shop for them. I once had a client ask if I would come to her home, and help her put together outfits. I know I have a knack for this thing, and I wanna share my love for all things pretty with the world, because it would be selfish to keep to myself. Throughout the week I will be sharing my thoughts on upcoming trends, giving you the inside scoop in the beauty industy, writing product reviews, and sharing my favorite beauty secrets. This blog won’t be geared only to the young ladies, as I am a mama myself and would love to help make all you moms a milf, because there’s no excuse for letting yourself go just because you have the kiddos.I cannot wait to share all the pretty things the world has to offer, and would love to make the women of the world feel more beautiful, because when you look good, you feel good. So please show me some love by spreading the word, and feel free to post questions, as I would love to answer any questions you may have. Thanks!




Filed under accessories, beauty, fashion, hair care, jewelry, nails, salon services, shopping, skin care, style